Side Projects and Springtime


So guys…I’ve been a little distracted lately. I know…it’s shocking. But with the weather here in Ohio FINALLY cooperating, and the short people getting involved with team sports (gasp), and this little thing I’ve been working on I’ve really been a bad, bad author.

Okay maybe a bit overboard, but I’ve been devoting a lot of time to this wonderful side project for the M/M Romance Group. (You can find them here and here) Every year they do huge writing event where readers tell us what they want to get their hands on but just haven’t been able to find. Which really…how awesome is that, right? Well I picked up a fun prompt that’s put me outside my box a bit and I have to say I’m loving it. It’s a super fun NA (New Adult) Urban Fantasy road trip bonanza (with plenty of kissing and mushy gushy love stuff). Anywho, I’ve finalized the cover and I wanted to share it with you all!
